Sony you impressed my alot with your new handheld! Graphics looks amazing, almost if not even as good as ps3 graphics.
Plus the fact alone that they have added 2 analog sticks. I will check it out when it gets realesed.
My only consern is the battery lifetime. With such a powerful yet small device I wonder how they are going to fit a battery that can hold for 8+ hours.
That's atleast how much gametime i would like to get out of 1 charge (wishful thinking).
The 3D monitor bundle. |
I think Sony did a really nice press conference realeasing alot of new content. I liked the 3d monitor they showed and the low price on it too. Nice that they throw in resistance 3 with it too.
But I felt like that much of the bundles that they showed was a "I'm sorry gift" to psn consumers for getting their accounts hacked.
Sony had much more new content to show than Microsoft did. I Feel kinect is getting kinda boring and that they are focusing to heavy on it. I got nothing against kinect its just that i think they should even out their content more with controller based games. When you ask them "do you have anything else besides kinect for the xbox?"
They answer "Gears of war 3" and in my opinion is more a rent complete campaign game.
But sure they got Halo 4 can't argue with that.
So I think Sony wins over Microsoft in new content but Microsoft wins over Sony in evoloving their console in to an all around entertainment device.