onsdag 8 juni 2011

Last day of school!

Tomorrow I graduate from school! It will be a nice day of 24/7 party starting 9 o'clock in the morning with champagne breakfast. 
Then I'll go eat lunch with my class and after that back to school so we can get kicked out  from it.
Then we'll ride on a big truck on the back and be loud and obnoxoius 'cause that's what you do when you graduate in sweden. After all that it's party in to the morning hours :D.

Im very excited about this 'cause it's now that my real life starts and I have to find a job and move out from my parents house. 

17 kommentarer:

  1. Congratulations on graduating!

  2. Congrats pal! And good luck in your new journey!

  3. good luck on your jorney bro!

  4. Hey, congratulations on graduating. I have finished school somewhat 3 weeks ago and now I am totally bored.

  5. Same here last day of school feels so good ! :)

  6. I feel sad because real life has already started and you are missing some of it by rushing forward... stay young man its way cooler.

  7. Congratulations:D

  8. Congrats! Enjoy the vacation :)

  9. congratulations! be sure to party hard mate

  10. welcome to adulthood... enjoy the newfound freedom ;)
